File Manager Display ==================== HUNTER's File Manager, called DEMOS 2.2 (Disk EMulation Operating System version 2.2) is obtained by procedures described above. Following power up the File Manager screen looks like this: (Some versions may vary. This is a typical example) .. :: ----------------------------------------- | 29 NOV 1983 09:50 | |** DEMOS VER 2.2 9.A** | |BAS .sys COMS .sys CLCK .sys | |TERM .sys EDIT .sys | | | | | | | |DIR STAT BAS COMS CLCK TERM EDIT KEYS| -----------------------------------------`` .. Note:: Only system files (.SYS extension) are displayed. Further files can be displayed with the 'DIR' command. The time display does not update to conserve power. The function keys are programmed as follows: #. DIR (File directory) #. STAT (File status) #. BAS (Basic interpreter) #. COMS (Initialise communications) #. CLCK (Initialise clock) #. TERM (Terminal emulation) #. EDIT (Text Editor) #. KEYS (Alternate function keys) The function 'KEYS' displays an alternative menu. See below. :: DIR STAT INP SAVE TYPE REN SEND KEYS Functions can be selected by either the appropriate function key or typing the longhand version.